American Bail Bonds

About The Business

Bail Bonds in Raleigh • Members of • Support Our Vets

Moved to New Address: Now Located in Garner at 349 Technical Court. Parking Available!


Have you ever been arrested? Would you know what to do if you were? Most people have no idea how the justice system works. If you are arrested or have a close friend or relative who is arrested, you need to know what to do. American Bail Bonds has trained agents who know how to guide their clients through the “unknown” and assist them in learning how the law works.

American Bail Bonds, located in Garner at 349 Technical Court, phone (919) 832-9002, is a professional and reliable bail bond company. Licensed by the state, they have earned the respect of many sheriffs and police departments, judges, and prosecutors for their reputable service to the community. Because of their years of experience, their advice pertaining to bail bonds is sought after and well respected. They offer 24-hour service, 7 days a week.

In today’s society, many people find themselves placed in jail on misdemeanor and/or felony charges. Be sure to know what to do if you, a family member or a friend is ever arrested. American Bail Bonds understands that bad things happen to good people! Remember the name American Bail Bonds, and you’ll know you are dealing with a reputable company that will help you “make the best of a bad situation.”

American Bail Bonds thanks their clients for their patronage and referrals. They would like to wish their clients and the community a happy, safe holiday season.

American Bail Bonds

  • 349 Technical CT.
    Raleigh, NC 27529