Five Forks Cafe

About The Business

Five Forks Cafe
Serving the Williamsburg Community & Traveler Afar for Decades
Proudly-Owned by Leon Salzman Since 2014

Five Forks Cafe carries on the old diner tradition, serving American foods in a casual environment. Its streamlined appearance, long counter, and booths provide for a most comfortable atmosphere. Diners of the 1950s were known to use stainless steel panels, porcelain enamel, glass blocks, terrazzo floors, Formica, and neon sign trim. Today, most diners are designed to resemble more of a restaurant-style layout. Five Forks Cafe strives to preserve the nostalgic history of the traditional diner in both appearance and service. Open six days a week, Tuesday – Sunday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. They serve the best coffee around with breakfast and lunch choices.

On the menu, you’ll find eggs, pancakes, French toast, sausage, bacon, hamburgers, french fries, club sandwiches, patty melts, desserts, and more. Located in Williamsburg at 4456 John Tyler Highway, phone, (757) 221-0484.

Five Forks Cafe invites your visit to their diner. The wait staff looks forward to serving you. After your first visit, you’ll make it a regular stop.

Five Forks Cafe

  • Williamsburg, VA
