About The Business

Auto Repair in Fort Lauderdale
Proudly Serving Greater Fort Lauderdale Since 1985
A+ Rating With the BBB

If you’re particular about your imported or American vehicle, then you should be very particular about who does the service and repairs. At Master Tech, they’re proud of the fact that they employ only ASE certified auto technicians. Located in Ft. Lauderdale at 202 Southwest 15th Street, phone (954) 763-3870,they’re the automotive service center to see for the exacting work you demand.

Master Tech reflects the continuing trend of specialization in auto maintenance. The manufacturing technology of both imported and American cars has changed the way cars are tuned and repaired today, requiring advanced equipment and knowledge. In business for more than 30 years, these professionals have extensive experience and specialize in radiator service, air conditioning repairs, tune-ups, fuel injection systems, brake jobs, oil changes, and major and minor repairs. They can properly analyze your engine and recommend the repairs needed with an accurate cost estimate.

You can be assured your vehicle will be properly repaired when you bring it to Master Tech. Their proper equipment and expert knowledge assure you of a job well done. Remember, for the finest in complete automotive repairs, stop in to see the friendly people at Master Tech, call (954) 763-3870 today for an appointment, or e-mail them at donmastertech@comcast.net. They are the “pros” in top-notch auto repair.

Master Tech

  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
